Completed Fight for Our First Prisoner of Conscience: Mao Hengfeng

Here are some efforts we led:

Wrote to Chinese authorities to demand an investigation into allegations of torture and an assurance that she will be granted full freedom of movement.  We gathered signatures via a downloadable petition.

Wrote to Mao Hengfeng to let her know concerned citizens were supporting her


Mao Hengfeng (pictured here with her three daughters) has first-hand experience with China’s practice of forced-abortions.  After suffering this abuse in the 1980’s, Mao Hengfeng has spoken out against such practices, as well as  against China’s practices of forced evictions and China’s imprisonment of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, Liu Xiaobo.  She has suffered repeated imprisonment and torture as a result of her willingness to speak out non-violently against these injustices.


Two days after her release in February, 2011, Chinese authorities again imprisoned Mao Hengfeng on February 23, 2011, for allegedly violating her parole.  Chinese authorities released her, in very poor health, in late July/early August 2011.

The Southern Oregon Chapter of Amnesty International is honored to be able to work for Mao Hengfeng and help her gain justice.  In addition to the above-referenced sites, you can learn more about Mao Hengfeng by clicking here.  If you would like to join us in our efforts to gain justice for Mao Hengfeng, you are welcome at our monthly meetings or contact Dave Lefkowitz at

Click here to see two of her friends in China asking for your help.

Thank you.

– revised March, 2012 by David Lefkowitz